35 Weeks: 35/35

Monday, August 16, 2010

When you're pregnant, reaching 35 weeks is a big deal. I'm not exactly sure why, aside from the fact that "35" is a magic number. You see, when you hit 35 weeks pregnant, you also have exactly 35 days to go. Well, until your due date, anyway. So this is commonly called 35/35!

I actually celebrated 35/35 on Saturday or Sunday (depending on which due date you're going with), so today I actually have less than 35 days to go. Eeeek!

35 Weeks Pregnant

Oh, and today also happens to be my 28th birthday. So I guess you can say there is much to celebrated around here.

Last Thursday, I had my 34-week doctor's appointment. I gained a pound since my 32-week appointment, so I'm up about 22-23 lbs. total. Given my birthday and all, I indulged today, so I'm pretty sure I'm up like five additional pounds now, but at least I have another week or so until I have to be weighed again. Hopefully it'll even out. HA! :) My next appointment is Wednesday, the 25th... starting then, I'll be going every week! It's so crazy to think about.

On Saturday, we took a breastfeeding class. It was nice to get an overview of everything, and get to write down a few tips and tricks before the baby even gets here. It was all helpful information. Of course, the *real* education will come when I actually try to nurse the baby, but still, a little preparation for what to expect is good to have.

Baby is now about 5.5 lbs. and has pretty much grown to his/her full length. All he/she has to concentrate on these next few weeks is fattening up a little bit. And sitting on my bladder. And kicking me in the ribs.

Alright, now I'm going to leave the world where pregnancy is all rainbows and sunshine and transition into what has been my reality. I'm going to be completely honest and tell you that the last few days have been really rough on me. I think it's been a culmination of a lot of things, but the stress and anxiety associated with everything finally built up enough where I reached a breaking point on Saturday and became somewhat of a hormonal lunatic.

I won't bore you with all of the details, but I'll say this: I've reached a point where I am tired all.the.time. I've discovered that despite still being able to sleep pretty well most nights, getting up an average of four times a night to pee just does not bode well for feeling "rested." I know this is supposedly helping prepare me for when baby arrives but man, it would be nice to sleep through just one.more.night before the baby actually gets here.

So, I think the general exhaustion, plus the crazy hormones, plus the anxiety associated with knowing my whole life is going to change in just a few short weeks, plus a few totally ridiculous little stressors (that normally would've been no big deal) pushed me over an edge. Starting Saturday night, I fell into this feeling of depression and feeling like crap about myself. I cried a few times and couldn't really function, then spent the majority of Sunday crying and not functioning as well. The funny thing is that I couldn't really tell you why I was feeling what I was feeling--just that I was generally unhappy and downright sad about things. Then that escalated into feeling guilty for my feelings, which just made everything worse.

I still felt like a waste of space when I woke up this morning, too. But thankfully, the fog seems to have lifted throughout the day, and I was able to fully enjoy my birthday evening with Michael.

I'm told that this kind of funk/depression is completely normal at this stage of the game, but it took me by surprise and I will say that when you're going through it, your feelings feel anything but normal. I so badly just wanted to rewind and feel good again, but didn't know how to make myself feel better. I really hope I don't go through any more episodes of this between now and the end of the pregnancy, but I guess I should prepare myself to do so.

Anyway... I wanted to "confess" because I didn't realize how common it was to have feelings like that until after I started mentioning it to other mothers/pregnant women. *sigh* End rant.

We can't believe we're already halfway through August. And we're only a couple of days away from the 1-month mark!

I may be hormonal and crazy, Baby, but I still can't wait to meet you...

Happy Birthday to me. On my next birthday, I will be a mommy.


Wishing on stars August 16, 2010 at 10:50 PM  

Happy birthday Heather! I'm glad your feeling a little better today. And I'm sorry you were in such a funk this weekend. I'm sure that was confusing and upsetting, but I'm glad you read it was normal. I think that would make you feel a little bit better about it.

It's weird that you talk about BFing. (breast feeding) I had a dream this morning that I had to breast feed someone's little girl to get rid of her croup. LOL, dreams are weird aren't they? I'm not even sure it wasn't my little girl, but it I remember it being weird and I remember it was my left breast and when I woke up this morning I looked at it like..."Don't do that again" lol

Franzi,  August 17, 2010 at 1:56 AM  

Happy belated birthday wishes from Germany - you're still looking fantastic! Hope you had a fantastic day...

Miss. C August 17, 2010 at 5:50 AM  

Happy birthday and you look adorable!!!

Gaynor {Our Day by Design} August 17, 2010 at 8:05 AM  

Happy Birthday!

Not long to go at all!

Cynthia August 17, 2010 at 9:47 AM  

Happy Birthday Heather! My Birthday is the 22nd :) August is a good month to be born in.

Heather (Live.Love.Laugh.) August 17, 2010 at 10:23 AM  

Happy Birthday. I will be 28th right after our little one is born, if he comes on time that is.

Happy 35 days to go!!!

Gia August 17, 2010 at 10:37 AM  

Happy birthday, Heather! These next 35 days are going to fly by!

basebell6 August 17, 2010 at 10:39 AM  

happy birthday and happy week 35! I turned 28 this summer too!! :) Good luck in the homestretch; you still look AMAZING!!!

Sara McCarty August 17, 2010 at 11:05 AM  

Happy Birthday Heather! You look absolutely amazing for 35 weeks! Congrats on only 35 days to go! Hang in there girl - it'll all be over in a flash and so worth it!

Moya August 17, 2010 at 12:21 PM  

Happy belated Birthday Heather! I hope you live to see many more:-)

Jill August 17, 2010 at 12:54 PM  

You look great!

And happy birthday!

Dana August 17, 2010 at 2:29 PM  

Happy birthday. You look great. Feel better.

Crystal August 18, 2010 at 12:26 PM  

I'm right there with ya being tired. Unfortunately I was in the hospital this weekend having contractions and am on full bedrest until baby comes. :(

COUNTRY MOM August 19, 2010 at 12:29 AM  

Happy Birthday. Love your name (It's my oldest DDs name too). Hope you are feeling better. Great pics.

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