Spray Gunnin'

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I've been working a lot lately. In fact, I was actually at the office until 12:30 a.m. last Thursday night. It was nuts. But this week has been pretty normal, which is a nice break from the crazy.

In between crazy work days, I've been busy trying to keep things moving in the right direction with the kitchen. What have I been doing, exactly? Well, I've been spending a lot of time in here:

That's our basement, and that plastic is our makeshift "spray booth" for spray painting our cabinet doors. 
Respirator for the paint "dust," ear plugs for the compressor... sexy.
This whole process has been more exhausting than I thought--it takes me about two hours to do one coat on all of the doors--and that's just ONE side of the doors. Each side/coat is done separately, so I have done this four times so far. One coat of primer on each side (two nights), then one coat of paint on each side (two nights). I still have one more coat of paint to do on each side before I'm hopeful that they'll be DONE! 
Overall, I've been really happy with the results of spraying them. The paint goes on very smoothly, no brush/roller marks, etc. And even though it takes me two hours per coat per side, I have to believe that it's still faster than doing them by hand! 
Things are lookin' good! I can't wait to get these bright babies hanging back up in our kitchen!
I'm hoping to do the last two rounds this weekend. We'll the let the doors "cure" for a few days before hanging them back up, so the goal is to have them hanging by NEXT weekend. And if that happens, you know I'll be back with photos! Woot woot! 


Vanessa May 4, 2012 at 2:37 AM  

You are amazing! We are the least DIY people ever, no easy would we ever undertake something of this magnitude. It's going to look so do good when you're done!

Jennifer @ Also Known As...the Wife May 4, 2012 at 8:24 AM  

Dude, I cannot wait until the kitchen is done...it's going to be AWESOME!

You make a remodel look so doable I'm considering taking up that fight with my husband.

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