16.5 Weeks: Emergence of the Gut
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
When I first found out I was pregnant, since I couldn't blog about it, I had this brilliant idea to start a journal. Like a real, written journal. I bought a cute blank book and started writing about my pregnancy in it, including weekly photos of myself and documenting my experiences. I was dedicated to it, thinking that it would be pretty cool for me to be able to hand the journal over to our baby some day. And it would be.
Except I apparently suck at journaling and I'm a good 5-6 weeks behind in writing about the pregnancy and pasting pictures inside. Whoops.
I still want to catch up on the journal, but just in case I continue to suck at life and never get around to it, I think I'm going to start chronicling a little bit on here, too. I figure I can dedicate one post a week to just providing an "update" on the pregnancy. I'll probably post about other pregnancy/baby related topics sometimes (like my previous posts on the nursery, the fetal monitor, etc.) but these will be my little "check-ins" to document things that happen throughout. I apologize if this type of post totally bores you. If it does, by all means, I encourage you to skip them.
Someone asked me last week if I'd be sharing belly photos. I'm not against sharing them, but up until last week, I really didn't have anything to show. It took what seemed like forever for me to get any sort of belly, but it's finally here:

16.5 weeks pregnant
So instead of feeling like that again, today was the day... I busted out the maternity pants I bought at Kohls last week. And HOLY HELL, people--the difference in comfort and the way I felt was amazing. I mean, who can complain about pants with an elastic waistband? Heaven!
In other amazing news, I felt the baby move for the first time on Sunday. I was sitting in Easter Mass with my family, the priest was giving the homily, and all of a sudden, I felt this little pop/poke in my lower right abdomen. I immediately thought, What was that? and waited to see if it would happen again. Sure enough, a few seconds later, another pop/poke. I smiled because I was pretty sure it was the baby, and then it happened a third time. I actually couldn't keep from laughing a little bit! (Sorry to my fellow parishioners.) But what an incredible feeling to all of a sudden be able to feel this being that has been growing inside of you.
I've felt it a few times since then, too, but I'm generally only feeling it once a day at this point. On Monday night, I felt it when I was lying on the couch watching TV, and last night, I felt it as I was lying in bed. Just a few little pops/pokes and he/she goes back to resting and/or moving around more gently. I can't wait to be able to feel it more regularly. :)
I had a routine OB appointment today and all was well. I think I'm up a total of about 5 lbs. now, which I guess is within the normal range for this stage of pregnancy. I've been weighing myself once a week at home, just because I can't help myself. Prior to pregnancy, I was an everyday weigher, and although I recognized the need to not do that anymore, I couldn't just quit cold turkey! So even though I always have a pretty good idea of how much weight I've gained between appointments, I still HATE getting on that scale at the doctor's office. But today was good.
We talked to the doctor about all of the things I can't do on our upcoming vacation to Florida--including jetskiing or biking. :( I knew these things already, but it was still disappointing to hear that I "officially" can't do them. She laughed and told me to relax and "take gentle swims" and "float around and snorkel." I suppose I can handle that, along with lying by a pool with a virgin frozen drink. But man, it's going to be hard for me!
On the way out, I had blood taken (AGAIN--I swear, I haven't yet had a doctor's appointment where they haven't needed my blood) for a second trimester screening. They're going to check for a bunch of genetic disorders, even though I've already been tested for some of them when we had our first trimester screening (NT scan).
Now I'm good to go for another four weeks. Next appointment--20 weeks! But before that, we have our big ultrasound on April 23! Of course, we're not finding out the sex anyway, but it's still exciting to get a chance to see the baby...
You look great, Heather! My friends have said that they didn't feel truly pregnant and only bloated/fat/chubby until they felt the baby move. That is when they said it all sank in! I think it is a good sign it happened in church! Your baby is truly blessed!
you look wonderful! And I love the new header ;-)
Where is that baby bump?
Heather you look adorable! I love the bump pic :-) I'm not sure if you've seen my e-mail yet, I sent it to Heather Drive, but if you haven't congratulations!
sorry! I meant I used your e-mail for road to the aisle, it's the one on your blog and the one I've used in the past.
yay for belly shots!!! I knew you'd cave ;)
And I can totally see your belly rounding out a bit! How exciting. I think that will probably be the most exciting thing for me..
You look GREAT! I looked about 6 months pregnant when I was 16 weeks. I hope you keep up with those belly photos :)
I had a journal when I was pregnant and did a horrible job of writing things down. I actually dug it out the other day for my son's 8th birthday.
Such a cute picture! I think it's great that you're going to post updates here :)
Hey There Heather, I am an avid reader but never comment. Today I thought I would. I am 38 weeks pregnant so I completely understand everything you are going through except I was incredibly sick and lost 25 lbs by the time I was 16 weeks. You look fantastic for being as far along as you are. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but wait until you hit 36 weeks and you are gaining 5 lbs a week lol!! I am so glad you were able to feel the baby kick this past weekend. It is truly an amazing feeling and unless you experience you can't describe. I wish you the best of luck throughout the rest of your pregnancy and remember to take an easy when you aren't feeling 100%. It will make it easier.
You look just radiant! SO thrilled for you!
Thank you for all of the kind comments. :)
Wishing on stars -- I do believe I received your e-mail and it was very sweet! I get all my e-mails on my BlackBerry so don't usually respond right away. I have to wait until I remember to actually log into my Gmail account to reply to people since I don't have the patience to type too much on the BlackBerry. So I'm sorry for my lack of response thus far!
Krystie -- Getting a belly is exciting, but I admit that the "in between" stage is a little frustrating. I wish I'd pop out a little more so I'm OBVIOUSLY pregnant. :) Soon enough, I know...
Mrs. Wheeler -- I know, this is just the beginning! I'm going to get HUGE! But OMG if I gain 5 lbs. a week I will die. :)
I totally remember that feeling fat thing-not fun! Fat enough not to fit in clothes, but not fat enough for people to know you're pregnant! I just looked back-at 16wks I was up 5lbs as well! You look great so far!
You look good. Enjoy your time being pregnant.
You're adorable!
Good, I'm just glad you got it. Don't worry about responding, I know you have a lot going on :-)
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