Back in the Saddle
Monday, April 19, 2010
When you're a portrait photographer who works almost exclusively with natural light and small children, winter pretty much... sucks.
And boy, has it been a long winter.
I'm working on dusting off the cobwebs and picking the camera back up again. Not just for snapshots, but for actual sessions. To start, I did a very short and informal session with Hunter to get some photos to use for his first birthday party invitation.
We're planning to do an official "1 year" session for Hunter next month, but this was a good way to break myself back into the habit. It's amazing how rusty I feel compared to where I was several months ago. Ack! But I think it's sort of like riding a bike... you don't forget; it comes back to you.
Unfortunately, Hunter wasn't in the greatest mood when I arrived. He's generally such a happy baby, so it figures that the moment I need to take pics of him, he pulls a 'tude. :) But we waited it out and managed to trick him into smiling for us. And since we only really needed ONE good one for the invitation...

he is too stinking cute! And looks like hunter boy will be getting his first hair cut soon, yes? ;)
apparently I was on my business account opps! That last comment was ME! ;)
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