Saturday, April 10, 2010
I felt really PREGNANT today. I wore my cute Old Navy maternity jeans for the first time (although, they were still a bit too big--had to wear my Bella Band to hold them up!) and I felt like my belly was actually somewhat noticeable. Weird how that happens so suddenly.
We decided to do a little preliminary browsing for baby stuff this afternoon. We took a ride to Buy Buy Baby to see if they had our current favorite contender for a stroller. We had never seen it in person, so we were happy when we found that they did, in fact, carry it in the store. We got to push it around a bit, play with the different adjustments, and fold and unfold it. We're pretty sure we love it, so it is officially the front-runner.
What stroller, you ask? Well, it's the Bumbleride Indie. The only problem now is that we have to decide which color we like best, which is pretty much impossible since they are ALL adorable. But we're pretty sure we've narrowed it down to the Ruby or the Seagrass:

We're looking to buy ONE stroller that will serve all purposes. We're not crazy about the travel system strollers, and from what I hear from tons of experienced parents, they don't even use it that often because it is so GINORMOUS that it takes up the entire trunk. When folded, this actually is a bit smaller than most of the travel systems.
Since we're fairly active people, we'd like to have the actual inflatable wheels instead of the plastic wheels that are on the travel systems. The nice thing about the Indie is that it seems to be somewhat smaller than a lot of jogger strollers, but still features all of the same benefits. Grass, sand, snow, ice--this thing can handle it all (or so I'm told!). It also comes with an infant seat adapter bar, so we can still "snap" baby's car seat into the stroller when he/she is little.
We'll see how it goes, but we're pretty sold on it! :)
We also checked out a few car seats, and then, on the way home, we stopped by a local baby furniture store to check into cribs and dressers. The specialty store prices seem to be kind of steep, though, so we're pretty sure we're going to end up ordering from JCPenneys.
It felt a little bit weird to be out among all the other expectant parents, looking at stuff that will be used by our baby. Like, an actual baby. Whoa.
17 weeks down, 23(ish) to go...
Its a good thing if it is smaller than the "bigger" joggers. They are hard to fit down isles in the store. So, if you didnt do that already I would suggest walking up and down normal isles in the store before you buy. I love the Ruby!
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