Happy Easter

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

To celebrate the holiday, we attended noon Mass at the church down the street from us, then headed to my mom's for a family dinner. It was nice and sunny here today, but cold (only around 40 degrees). We grilled vegetables and chicken, and paired them with rice pilaf and multigrain dinner rolls. Yum.

Family portrait out on my mom's deck.

I snapped a lot of photos of the dogs because, let's face it, they are so damn cute.

Remember Miller? He's a lot bigger now! Little buddy is growing so fast.

Look at how perfectly he was sitting there for his portrait. So cute.

Showing off his tricks while the guys grill outside. This one is "give me your paw." :)

"High five."

After chasing each other on the deck for a while, Tessa was tired of it (and probably cold, too) and wanted to hang out inside. The two of them kept tabs on each other though; even when on the opposite sides of the glass door!

Tess did make her way back outside a few times. She loves the sunshine!

Miller likes the sun, too. This was his position while we were eating dinner.

The dogs helped "rinse" the dishes in preparation for the dishwasher.

All in all, we had a really nice Easter. Now I'm sitting here wondering how it's possible for three-day weekends to go by so quickly. How is it that they seem to go by even faster than regular weekends? Not cool.
*sigh* Guess I should start counting down until Memorial Day weekend now?


Ellen Mint April 13, 2009 at 9:48 AM  

Ah the doggie dishwasher, best in the land. He he he.

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