Happy Happy Joy Joy
Monday, February 22, 2010

I've been tagged by Moya at A Purpose Filled Life! Thanks, Moya! It's been a while since I've done one of these things, so here goes nothing.
The Rules:
- List 10 things that make you happy
- Tag 10 other bloggers and link back to the person who tagged you
My List:
1. Lazy weekends at home with my husband.
2. A sleepy (and quiet) little Tessa girl snuggling in my lap.
3. A full gas tank.
4. Babies. I love me some babies.
5. Traveling. I love exploring new places. I just wish we had unlimited funds so that we could go all over the world! (Someday...)
6. Hiding behind the lens of a camera.
7. Snow days or sick days. As long as I'm not the miserable and dying type of sick, it's always nice to have a random day off from work. Too bad I don't get snow days or take sick days more often! (I'm a PTO hoarder. I can't help it.)
8. Baking! You know how much I love to make tasty creations. I have a couple of cake decorating opportunities coming up that I'm super excited about. :)
9. My family. Going out to lunch with my mom, hosting everyone for dinner, watching a football game, etc. I love spending time with everyone.
10. Fun mail (packages, letters, cards, etc.). It doesn't come nearly as often as I wish it did, but perhaps that is why I cherish the fun stuff so much!
And now I tag:
1. Shauna at The Lewallens
2. Michelle at See Michelle Blog
3. Chelsey at One on the Way...
4. Megan at So, Now What?
5. Katie at Tote's Life
6. Krystie at One Fabulous Day
7. Mrs. B at The Life and Times...
8. Julia at My Life in Transition
9. Dana at Sweeping Through Life
10. Kelly at The Startup Wife
P.S. For those of you who follow me through a reader, I'm sorry for the influx of posts tonight. My life has been crazy since last Wednesday, but I definitely had things to post about! I'm getting all caught up... :)
The Rules:
- List 10 things that make you happy
- Tag 10 other bloggers and link back to the person who tagged you
My List:
1. Lazy weekends at home with my husband.
2. A sleepy (and quiet) little Tessa girl snuggling in my lap.
3. A full gas tank.
4. Babies. I love me some babies.
5. Traveling. I love exploring new places. I just wish we had unlimited funds so that we could go all over the world! (Someday...)
6. Hiding behind the lens of a camera.
7. Snow days or sick days. As long as I'm not the miserable and dying type of sick, it's always nice to have a random day off from work. Too bad I don't get snow days or take sick days more often! (I'm a PTO hoarder. I can't help it.)
8. Baking! You know how much I love to make tasty creations. I have a couple of cake decorating opportunities coming up that I'm super excited about. :)
9. My family. Going out to lunch with my mom, hosting everyone for dinner, watching a football game, etc. I love spending time with everyone.
10. Fun mail (packages, letters, cards, etc.). It doesn't come nearly as often as I wish it did, but perhaps that is why I cherish the fun stuff so much!
And now I tag:
1. Shauna at The Lewallens
2. Michelle at See Michelle Blog
3. Chelsey at One on the Way...
4. Megan at So, Now What?
5. Katie at Tote's Life
6. Krystie at One Fabulous Day
7. Mrs. B at The Life and Times...
8. Julia at My Life in Transition
9. Dana at Sweeping Through Life
10. Kelly at The Startup Wife
P.S. For those of you who follow me through a reader, I'm sorry for the influx of posts tonight. My life has been crazy since last Wednesday, but I definitely had things to post about! I'm getting all caught up... :)
Hi Heather~thanks for stopping by again, and for the tag:) Glad to see all is well for you!
Thanks for the tag!! how exciting! :) hope life is calming down some for you ... and an influx of your posts on my reader is ALWAYS a welcome thing!
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