So Long, Conan

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I know I already bitched about this a couple of days ago, but I couldn't help but comment again, now that "The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien" is officially a thing of the past.

When we got home from having dinner with friends last night, I was too tired to stay up and watch the last episode of Conan. However, I definitely didn't want to miss it, so I made sure to DVR it.

Tonight, as we ate dinner, we watched Conan's last show. Throughout the whole thing, I couldn't help but feel really sad. Especially toward the end when he got all teary and explained what the whole experience meant to him, and how grateful he was for his staff, crew, and fans. Maybe I'm overly emotional, but I was pretty damn close to tears myself!

I was going to post a video clip from the last show, but NBC's "share video" function isn't working. (Surprise, surprise. Can they do ANYTHING right?)

I found myself remembering back in the spring, when I was sad to see him leave New York and his late show. But it was different then, because we knew we'd still be seeing him on TV. Now, no one can be sure where he will end up.

I hope to see him back on the air--somewhere, somehow--in September.


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