Cute Overload
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Tonight, we had dinner with our friends (two couples) and their babies. It was nice to catch up over some takeout Chinese food and wine. We just relaxed around their house, chatted, and held babies!
We got our new external flash last week (have you noticed a difference in my pictures?), so I couldn't resist bringing along my camera to capture the little ones. I was eager to see how the flash would improve portraits since I've really only used it for food and Tessa so far. Let's just say... I'm impressed. I love these photos.
Meet Emma, who is three months old:And Rowan, who is 4.5 months old:
Aren't they the cutest? They are only six weeks apart, so hopefully they will make great playmates one day. Tonight, they really didn't seem to have much interest in each other.
Rowan is at that age where he is starting to really interact. He is becoming really expressive, and it's absolutely adorable. It wasn't difficult to make him smile (and giggle, too!). While I was playing with him, Michael was able to get several photos of him mid-grin. Here are a few of my favorites:
I took more than 80 photos tonight, just of Emma & Rowan. I usually take more than 100 every time we see Brendan.
I'm predicting that someday, our children will be the most photographed kids on the planet.
The 2nd picture in the group of the both of them is adorable. They are just chilaxing on the couch, wondering what is going on and why another little person is near them. So cute! Great pictures. I love taking pictures of my niece because she is so animated.
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