31 Weeks: I Gotta Pee
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
I've been a bit of a nervous wreck today. We have the growth ultrasound tomorrow. While I've been really calm about the whole situation since my doctor first mentioned it last week, for some reason, now that it's upon us, I'm apprehensive. I'm ready to be reassured. I want to know that I'm doing right by my baby and that he/she is growing properly. Tomorrow morning, I guess we'll know!

31 Weeks Pregnant
Look! I finally got my hair cut/highlighted! IT'S A MIRACLE! Goodbye, roots! Also, isn't it funny how certain clothes can make you look more pregnant than others? I feel like this one makes me look very pregnant. Anyway...
Peeing. It's one of those things that everyone knows about a pregnant woman: She always has to pee. What's funny is that if I'm sitting, I can usually go for several hours without a bathroom break, even if I'm drinking water. But the minute I stand up? Gotta pee. I could almost ALWAYS pee at this point. It's even worse when I walk. In fact, I can barely make it through our 3-mile walking route now, simply because I can't go an hour of walking without needing to pee. And sleeping? HA! I'm up probably 3-4 times a night now, just to stumble into the bathroom. 'Tis fun. And this is supposedly going to continue getting worse until the baby drops down into my pelvis just a few weeks before delivery. Yikes!
I'm a nesting fool these days. Not every day, but when I get the itch? Watch out. On Sunday, we were on the hunt for small shelves for the nursery wall. When they were out of stock at the first place we tried, I couldn't take it. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just like I CANNOT BE SATISFIED unless the thing that I just HAVE to do is DONE. In this case, it was shelves. I dragged poor Michael all over town before we found what we were looking for. Thankfully, he was a good sport about it. It made me feel so crazy, though--my rational mind was saying, "just wait until the shelves are back in stock!" but my pregnant, nesting mind was all, "No. MUST. FIND. SHELVES. NOW."
We had another birth prep class last night. We practiced a few more breathing techniques, talked about the most common reasons for c-sections, learned about some of the medication options that will be available to us during labor, and watched a few videos about labor and delivery. I wouldn't say I'm really nervous about giving birth--at least not yet. Instead, I'm curious about it. I'm wondering how it's going to work out for me. I want to go for as long as I can without pain meds, but am not against getting something if I need it. I wonder what I'll be able to handle, and how things will turn out. I think it's the unknown that fascinates me, as it seems like it could go so many different ways. And whenever the instructor talks about going to the hospital, being in labor, delivering the baby... all it really does is make me excited, because when we're at that point, we'll be so close to meeting our child!
We ordered our stroller last week, and over the weekend, we ordered our first cloth diaper supplies (yes, we're cloth diapering--more on that as we get closer!). The nursery is coming together, but I think I need to wait until after my second baby shower (August 7) before finishing it off as best we can before the baby gets here. I'll hopefully be able to share some pictures then, even though it won't be TOTALLY finished until after the baby is born. We have a few final touches that we plan to add, but how we do it depends on whether the baby is a boy or a girl. So those have to wait.
As of yesterday, we have exactly two months to go...
Peeing. It's one of those things that everyone knows about a pregnant woman: She always has to pee. What's funny is that if I'm sitting, I can usually go for several hours without a bathroom break, even if I'm drinking water. But the minute I stand up? Gotta pee. I could almost ALWAYS pee at this point. It's even worse when I walk. In fact, I can barely make it through our 3-mile walking route now, simply because I can't go an hour of walking without needing to pee. And sleeping? HA! I'm up probably 3-4 times a night now, just to stumble into the bathroom. 'Tis fun. And this is supposedly going to continue getting worse until the baby drops down into my pelvis just a few weeks before delivery. Yikes!
I'm a nesting fool these days. Not every day, but when I get the itch? Watch out. On Sunday, we were on the hunt for small shelves for the nursery wall. When they were out of stock at the first place we tried, I couldn't take it. I don't know how to explain it, but it's just like I CANNOT BE SATISFIED unless the thing that I just HAVE to do is DONE. In this case, it was shelves. I dragged poor Michael all over town before we found what we were looking for. Thankfully, he was a good sport about it. It made me feel so crazy, though--my rational mind was saying, "just wait until the shelves are back in stock!" but my pregnant, nesting mind was all, "No. MUST. FIND. SHELVES. NOW."
We had another birth prep class last night. We practiced a few more breathing techniques, talked about the most common reasons for c-sections, learned about some of the medication options that will be available to us during labor, and watched a few videos about labor and delivery. I wouldn't say I'm really nervous about giving birth--at least not yet. Instead, I'm curious about it. I'm wondering how it's going to work out for me. I want to go for as long as I can without pain meds, but am not against getting something if I need it. I wonder what I'll be able to handle, and how things will turn out. I think it's the unknown that fascinates me, as it seems like it could go so many different ways. And whenever the instructor talks about going to the hospital, being in labor, delivering the baby... all it really does is make me excited, because when we're at that point, we'll be so close to meeting our child!
We ordered our stroller last week, and over the weekend, we ordered our first cloth diaper supplies (yes, we're cloth diapering--more on that as we get closer!). The nursery is coming together, but I think I need to wait until after my second baby shower (August 7) before finishing it off as best we can before the baby gets here. I'll hopefully be able to share some pictures then, even though it won't be TOTALLY finished until after the baby is born. We have a few final touches that we plan to add, but how we do it depends on whether the baby is a boy or a girl. So those have to wait.
As of yesterday, we have exactly two months to go...
I will keep my fingers crossed for you that all goes well at the ultrasound in the morning! And yes, some things make you look much more pregnant than others; I wore a dress to a wake on SUnday and DH pointed out that I am finally looking pregnant! And I think you are a brave soul to cloth diaper; looking forward to hearing details about that!
I am also going to cloth diaper, so am excited to hear about your venture. We have done a ton of research, as I am sure you have. I am abou two months behind you, so I look forward to seeing how your experience plays out. Have you seen Life in Transition's information on cloth diapers? That's where we found the majority of our info and she has an awesome compilation of information.
Thanks, Gia!
Catherine--Yes, I've talked to Julia a few times about her cloth diapering experience and stash. :) We are doing some things the same way she did, and some things a little differently, I think. For now, we only have our newborn situation figured out for sure. Will figure out the rest as we go along and find out what works best for our baby!
I know exactly what you are going thru with the crazy bladder. :) I'm 30 weeks and always have to go to the bathroom when I stand up...and like you am getting up several times a night. It's not fun at all yet I just keep telling myself we're that much closer to meeting our daughter.
I was laughing to myself reading you talk about peeing b/c I was the same way and I was just thinking "oh my it got so much worse after 30 weeks" and then you said "I know it's going to get worse". Sadly, it will ;) But, it's worth it.
Hi! Long time reader here (going back to RTTA days). Just curious which stroller you went with? Thanks & congrats from a fan in Canada!
Looking good.
This is one of my favorite pictures of you! Before I even read your comment I was thinking that that shirt really makes you look pregnant. and so so happy :-)
I can't believe how close you are. You make me so anxious to start my own family. Good luck Heather!
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