Grilled Pizza
Saturday, July 3, 2010
A few weeks back, we went to a friend's house on a Friday night for dinner and a backyard fire. Greg is a great cook, and we were thrilled to discover he was making us pizzas. But they weren't just any pizzas--they were grilled pizzas. They were so good that we stuffed ourselves!
Shortly after, I opened my Google Reader one morning to see that Annie had posted a little tutorial on grilled pizza. The timing was interesting... were the stars aligned?
It's not as if I had never heard of grilling a pizza before, but I just never had the motivation to really try it. It seemed like it might be a bit difficult. Looking back on that attitude now, I laugh. It really couldn't have been any easier! It actually cooked up way faster than it does in the oven.

Annie's Eats has everything you need to know about grilling pizza, so I won't go into all of the details. Essentially, all you need is a sturdy (not too sticky or flimsy) dough, and if you want to make things easy on yourself, make personal-size pizzas so they are simple to transfer on and off the grill. Oh, and as Annie says... don't forget to oil the grill grates so your pizzas don't stick! And watch your pizzas carefully--they cook up really fast!
We used our favorite, no-fuss bread machine pizza dough and it was perfect. We can't wait to make these again!
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