America's Cities
Friday, July 2, 2010

"Throughout our history, it's been our cities that have helped tell the American story.
It was Boston that rose up against an Empire,
and Philadelphia where liberty first rung out;
it was St. Louis that opened a gateway west,
and Houston that launched us to the stars;
it was the Motor City that built the middle class;
Miami that built a bridge to the Americas;
and New York that showed the world one clear September morning
that America stands together in times of trial.
That's the proud tradition our cities uphold.
That's the story our cities have helped write."
-Barack Obama
June 21, 2008
Miami, FL
I probably should've saved this for the 4th, but it was the quote on my daily desk calendar today and I just couldn't resist. Plus, aren't we all already in the spirit of the 4th, anyway?
Happy Independence Day, everyone.
All that I ask is for you all to stay safe.
Oh, and please, for the love of all that is holy, enjoy a few beers on my behalf. ;)
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