Growth Ultrasound
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
We had the growth ultrasound this morning, and I'm happy to say that everything looks good!

This is the best "photo" we got. It's the profile of the head, and you can see the little nose. Underneath the nose, the baby has its hand up by its mouth. Perhaps we have a thumb-sucker on our hands? :)
At the anatomy scan at 19 weeks, I was easily able to decipher the different body parts. The legs, the feet, the arms, the hands, the ribs, the spine... it was all clear as day. Now? Not so much. Everything is so smooshed in there that all of the body parts overlap and I couldn't tell what the heck we were looking at half the time. The tech was all, "Here I'm measuring the leg bone..." and I was thinking, "What? Really?" because it looked nothing like a leg. At one point, she was up by the face and was pointing out the baby's features. Here's the eyelid, here are the nostrils, etc. CRAZY.
All of the baby's individual measurements were right on track for between 31 and 33 weeks (depending on the body part), so that was perfect. Then they used all of those measurements to come up with an estimated weight, which she said was about 4 lbs. That's in the 58th percentile for this gestational age, so it was great news. She also took a lot of pics of the heart, listened to the heartbeat, checked the flow of blood through the umbilical cord, and measured the amount of amniotic fluid. She indicated that everything went really well. She also said that my placenta is up high in my uterus, meaning that it will not get in the way of anything. Awesome.
We'll get the official "all clear" once our doctor has time to study all of the results. We have an appointment on Tuesday so I'm sure we'll hear about it then.
Needless to say, hearing everything is OK was a big relief!
At the anatomy scan at 19 weeks, I was easily able to decipher the different body parts. The legs, the feet, the arms, the hands, the ribs, the spine... it was all clear as day. Now? Not so much. Everything is so smooshed in there that all of the body parts overlap and I couldn't tell what the heck we were looking at half the time. The tech was all, "Here I'm measuring the leg bone..." and I was thinking, "What? Really?" because it looked nothing like a leg. At one point, she was up by the face and was pointing out the baby's features. Here's the eyelid, here are the nostrils, etc. CRAZY.
All of the baby's individual measurements were right on track for between 31 and 33 weeks (depending on the body part), so that was perfect. Then they used all of those measurements to come up with an estimated weight, which she said was about 4 lbs. That's in the 58th percentile for this gestational age, so it was great news. She also took a lot of pics of the heart, listened to the heartbeat, checked the flow of blood through the umbilical cord, and measured the amount of amniotic fluid. She indicated that everything went really well. She also said that my placenta is up high in my uterus, meaning that it will not get in the way of anything. Awesome.
We'll get the official "all clear" once our doctor has time to study all of the results. We have an appointment on Tuesday so I'm sure we'll hear about it then.
Needless to say, hearing everything is OK was a big relief!
Yay! SO glad to hear things went well!!
Yay! That's great news!!! Grow, baby, grow!
It is great to hear the good news, Heather!! All the best for the rest of the bumpy road. Enjoy every minute of it!
Phew! Good news is always welcomed!! I love seeing your progress pictures, and it is nice to be reassured that your little peanut is progressing just fine. =) Congrats on the good news!
GREAT news! My sister had a similar scare during her 35th (I think) week ... all turned out okay, too.
Not too much longer! Best wishes.
I'm dreadful at seeing anything in ultrasounds, but I'm glad everything's great - such wonderful news!
Glad it went well; so exciting!
So glad everything went well! Yay - September is just around the corner!
That is really great news! And what a cute picture!
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