Down and Out
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Not surprisingly, Michael and I were two of the first people up this morning. We came down to find my mom at the kitchen table, though. We relaxed a bit while everyone else gradually made their way from their rooms, but after that, everyone was bustling around.
First, Marie and I made breakfast. I cooked up some pancakes (with the blueberries we picked yesterday, AMAZING!), while Marie did the bacon. I also heated up the hand pies in the oven. We all sat down for our feast, and then it was time to start loading up the cars to head out.
Michael remembered to snap a few photos of the newly-renovated house before we left:

Then, we took our traditional photo beside the White Meadows sign (new sign this year, though--it'll take some getting used to, I think!):

We'll definitely be back next year. (And next time, Michael and I will have a baby--possible toddler??--in tow.) But man, I miss it already. A year seems far too long to wait to go back! :(
If you're interested in seeing photos and recaps from our past Poconos trips, click here.
The drive home wasn't too bad. Tessa slept THE ENTIRE TIME (tired girl!) and has continued to sleep like a rock since we've been home. I think it's going to take her a couple of DAYS to fully recover from her Poconos adventures!
that house looks amazing and sooo relaxing!
I'm glad you have a good time!
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