29 Weeks: Finally Feeling Pregnant
Monday, July 5, 2010
I've had a superb pregnancy so far. I feel like I cannot seriously complain about a single thing. With the exception of the obvious restrictions, I've been able to do everything I've wanted to do. In other words, I haven't felt "slowed down" by pregnancy.
But I'm starting to feel it. The pregnancy, that is. It's minor, but it's there. I feel it when I bend over. I feel it when I squat down. I have a little trouble sitting up (from a lying down position) these days. It can be a bit difficult for me to get up from sitting on the floor. If I lie on my back, it's uncomfortable, as it feels like someone is sitting on my stomach (my coworker said, "someone IS sitting on your stomach!" haha).
Yesterday, I had some pretty significant lower back pain, and it was the first time that I felt like I was being held back by my pregnancy. I tried to push through it (and did--we still walked our 3.2-mile route yesterday morning), but after some errands, I had to lie down for a while and rest. It's hard for me, as I really like to be on the go! Especially during the summer, and especially when I'm having constant "nesting" feelings. But I'm trying to listen to my body and only do what I can handle.
I'm just not used to feeling limited. *sigh*
I'm still not complaining, though! I swear! :)

Hello, Belly! I'm actually really loving this stage of pregnancy. I feel like I'm definitely big enough to be obviously pregnant, but I'm at the point where I'm (mostly) comfortable. I guess this is the "cute," honeymoon stage of pregnancy, right? I am feeling in awe of my pregnant body. Don't get me wrong, some of the changes are difficult to get used to, but that belly? The belly is A-MA-ZING. I love it.
I had a doctor's appointment on Friday, and it went really well. I generally have a really healthy, low blood pressure, but this week was the lowest it has been. That's always nice to hear when I read about so many other pregnant women developing problems with blood pressure. For now, I'm heaving a sigh of relief--so far, so good. On the dreaded scale, I found out I've gained a total of 16 lbs. so far, which I guess is really good. I'm feeling great about that, but am still waiting for the time when I'll gain a big amount in between appointments. We'll see! But now I'm going to start going every two weeks, which is--wow. I can't believe I'm at that point already! I guess it's really getting close, huh?
The doctor was laughing when she tried to listen to our baby's heartbeat. She got a few visible kicks to the area where she was attempting to place the sensor-thingy, and then she was having trouble finding the heartbeat because the baby was moving around too much! We just kept hearing "whooshing" noises. She did finally get a few seconds of it, and everything sounded great. Oh, and I got my official results of the glucose tolerance test. I passed with a score of 115 (I guess anything under 130-135 is good).
We went to see fireworks the other night, and as soon as they started, the baby started moving around in there. I've read that they can be startled by sudden, loud noises--I hope he/she wasn't startled! In the words of Frank the Tank... Sorry, Baby!
Baby is the size of a butternut squash this week, about 2.5 lbs. From what I've read, it sounds like he/she is really just working on fattening up--which is fine with me! Grow, grow, grow!
The big project of the weekend was to find a storage solution to put into the baby's closet. It's pretty small (36" wide, though it does go floor to ceiling) so we had trouble finding something that would actually fit in there. After a few rounds of trial and error (and multiple trips to Target, Kmart, etc.), we finally found something that works, which was a big victory. Details on that when we do the big nursery reveal. :)
Finally, as I already posted--we found daycare! Daycare that we LOVE! It's such a huge relief. I know I won't be looking forward to leaving our baby, but it makes it a lot easier to deal with when we know we have someone we feel really good about to watch him/her.
We have our annual family Poconos trip coming up this weekend, and I can't WAIT! We're only working three days this week, but somehow, it still seems like too long! Thursday night can't come soon enough.
Your lucky that it's just hitting you now. You look great, love the belly!
Aside from the belly and being pregnant, I can't get over how skinny you look. Your face, arms, etc... I'm amazed! You look fabulous!
Thanks, Heather! I do think I'm very lucky. How are you feeling?
Lauren--You're too sweet! Way to make a pregnant woman feel like a rockstar. :)
Just found your blog today; you are one gorgeous pregnant lady! I loved the "about" section in your blog. We have a lot in common! Happy Week 29!!
Oh man. I went from feeling pregnant to feeling "over it" in about 3 weeks. I hope the same is not true for you!!
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