22 Weeks: Gettin' Jiggy Wit' It
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Look at me, a day late! Oops. When I got home from work yesterday, I had so much to do that I immediately changed into pajama pants and got going. After a while I realized I had never taken my weekly photo, but there was no way I was going to do it looking like I did! HA!
And so this was taken today at 22 weeks, 2 days pregnant.

22 Weeks Pregnant
I'm starting to tell more people at work that I'm pregnant, which is always funny. It shocks me that they haven't noticed my belly. After they act all surprised, I always feel like I have to point to the belly, laugh, and say, "Seriously? I don't normally look like this!" Since I've only been with the company for two months, a lot of people still don't know me THAT well, so to them I must just look normal. Anyway, I haven't been keeping the pregnancy secret from anyone at work, but I haven't been going around working my "condition" into every conversation, either. Pretty soon, I don't think there will be any doubt in anyone's mind, and I probably won't have to do very much more telling!
This week, I've been feeling more baby movement than ever before. Last night at bedtime, baby was so busy in there that my stomach was literally dancing. I think the baby was doing a jig or something. The movements were so strong that they were actually keeping me awake. It was the first time I've ever really thought to myself, "Holy crap, my body has been taken over by an alien!" As far as location, I'm starting to feel kicks higher up in my belly. I think it's only a matter of time before I get the obligatory punches to the ribs. I'm feeling movement at all different times throughout the day, too, instead of primarily just at bedtime like I was a few weeks ago. It's fun to be sitting in a meeting at work and feeling the baby repeated kick/punch/head-butt me from the inside. It's like our own little secret--the meeting goes on as normal while my baby and I share some kind of interaction, and I smile on the inside.
On Saturday, we visited my sister-in-law and our nephews. Brendan, who is almost three, is at an awesome age in terms of getting to "experience" my pregnancy. Since I now have a belly that he can see, we were telling him that there is a baby in my belly, and he was completely and totally fascinated by it. We also asked him probably 7-8 times throughout the day whether he thought the baby was a boy or a girl, and he said GIRL--every single time we asked.
Later that afternoon, I was lying on the floor and I started to feel the baby kick so I asked Brendan if he wanted to feel it. He came and sat down on my legs and put his little hand on my belly, eyes wide in awe. Then he kept lifting up my shirt trying to actually look for the baby, telling me "I want to touch the baby!" I had to keep showing him that it was just my belly under my shirt, not a baby. He was confused, but it was adorable. He also told us that he really likes the name Lily. When my sister-in-law tried to suggest other names as possibilities (just random names since we're keeping our names a secret), he kept insisting on Lily. Alllllrighty then. :)
This week is crazy busy, but I'm starting to feel the pressure about making phone calls to try to officially decide on and set up a daycare provider. I made a few phone calls several weeks back, but haven't done anything since then and we need to get on it! Next week, for sure. It's just hard to get motivated to take care of something that we're not going to need until DECEMBER!
Where did that belly come from? It's growing Heather and you can't stop it! How exciting!
So cool, I can't wait till I feel the baby and then can have my hubby feel it!!!
You look great!
You look fantastic! so exciting!
I wonder if you would consider writing a post about talking to your boss about the pregnancy? I would definitely be interested in how and when you did it.
Looking great! And what a cute story about your nephew!
I can't wait to experience all of this some day.
You look fab! :o) How sweet is Brendan? I loved his reaction!
looking good
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