Dinner for Dad
Friday, May 21, 2010
We never get to celebrate my dad's birthday with him. But when we found out that he'd be driving up to visit for the weekend to be able to attend Hunter's first birthday party, it dawned on me that we'd be only a few weeks shy of his 60th birthday. And, if you ask me, 60 is well worth celebrating.
All of us kids always go out to dinner with my dad when he's here, so we told him that the plans were as normal, and I made reservations at a local restaurant for Friday night. What we didn't tell him, however, was that dinner would be in celebration of his birthday. It was really casual, but he was really surprised when I showed up with balloons and gifts and told them they were for him!
Despite some extremely bad service, we had a good time and enjoyed the food. Of course, Hunter came along as well--sporting a brand new "big boy" haircut!

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