Wednesday, May 12, 2010
No, not the Roadrunner. It's the registry scanner gun!

My baby shower invitations are being mailed this week (shower isn't until end of June, but with it being such a busy time of year, my hosts figured better sooner than later!), so I suppose we just have to sit back and see what happens now!
I still can't believe that we actually need this stuff, because I still can't believe we're actually having a baby. Whoa.
Looks like so much fun!
Oh, I can't wait to register. I am 12 weeks tomorrow and go for the NT scan this coming week. I feel like we have to wait until then to buy or even really celebrate. Everything has looked good so far, but am petrified for that scan! Glad to hear all is well with you.
For the first time to me, you actually look like you are pregnant! Love the colors. cal
How exciting! you look so pretty! My comments are so boring these days but I'm just so excited for you!
That picture made me laugh - that was totally me with the baby bargains book in my other hand :) That book was SOOO helpful!
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