Cake Smash
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I did one of these for a client last fall, but because it was a client, I didn't feel comfortable sharing it here. But I knew that when I did it then, I'd do it again for Hunter when he was about to turn 1.
Last weekend, when we took Hunter out for some 1-year portraits, we ended the day in front of a backdrop, in his diaper, with a small cake. Then, we just let him do his thing. I edited the resulting photos into a collage, which I got printed for display at his birthday party on Saturday. It turned out so cute!

Little man got some practice with cake, too. Win-win situation! :)
I saw a similar collage on another blog. Did you get the idea for this somewhere that you could link?
Yes, this concept is commonly used among many child photographers. As a result, no, I don't have anywhere in particular I can link you, as I've seen dozens of them at this point.
If you're looking for further inspiration, I suggest googling! They are all over.
Thanks. It was just interesting because the backdrop is identical so I thought there was something in particular people had just come across. I'll start looking.
Hmm, nope--just a coincidence! Like I said, I did this for the first time back in September. I actually used the same backdrop then, too. I've seen it done with all different colors--white, grey, pink, purple, green.
Hi Heather, I've been following your blog for quite sometime now and I'm definitely a fan of your work! I started pursuing photography after i had my son in April and I've been reading up and googling infant portraits but still can't manage to find a site that'll teach me to shoot simple black,white, blue (solid colors in general) background without spending a ton on lightings and equipments to set up a studio. Can you please please share how you set up your backdrops? what do you use for lighting and how do you get the mirror image from the floor? I especially admire the lighting of the picture, I can't seem to figure out how to utilize natural lighting to produce pictures like yours. Please share. Thanks a ton!!!
I'm sorry I'm just now responding to this comment. Hopefully you'll check back and see it.
There are no tricks to my backdrop. I use a variety of things, but generally use fabric. I've been known to use sheets before, and this one is just plain ol' cheap blue felt.
And, I'm sorry to say, but there isn't a trick to my lighting, either. I use all natural lighting during photo shoots. You kind of have to know what you're looking for in terms of good light, but all other adjustments need to be made in your camera, with ISO, shutter speed and aperture. With these cake smash shoots, I actually do them outdoors, in a shady area--in this case, we were in the shade created by the house.
Keep practicing and learning your camera--exposure is really important. Good luck!
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