Faucet Upgrade
Monday, May 31, 2010
I can't tell you why it has taken us so long to do this! We've always hated the faucet in our kitchen, but what do you know... nearly five years later, it was still there. Until today.
Michael tried to get a start on it this morning, but we quickly discovered that our hot water shut-off valve beneath the sink was faulty, as we'd turn on the faucet and the water would still come pouring out. Not good! Can things like this EVER be easy?
This afternoon, I took a few pictures of what we were dealing with under the sink, and we took a ride to Home Depot to track down a plumbing expert and ask some questions. Thankfully, we were lucky in that we had some extra pipe length at the valve, so we were able to simply cut off the old valve, and replace it with a new one that didn't even require soldering--it just needed to be pushed onto the pipe. Awesome.
Once that was done, the biggest challenge was for Michael to get the old faucet out. The bolts are not the easiest things to access, but thankfully he had borrowed a special wrench from his dad that made the job just a bit easier. I'm not as limber as usual (the belly gets in the way!) so I wasn't able to do too much to help under the sink. But once the old faucet was out, the new one went in after no time at all; it was actually a really simple project. I guess that's why I can't believe it took us this long to get around to tackling it!
OK, OK... now onto the before and after photos. :)

Sometimes it is just the simple things that make life easier.
I like the new one! I also love that your dish drainer is in your sink, that's where we keep ours!
I so need to do this - its on my list of things to get done this summer. I replaced the facuet in our bathroom and it wasn't that hard - so I don't know why I have procrastinated in the kitchen.
We are in desperate need of a new kitchen faucet too. There are just so many choices! What brand did you end up going with?
Thanks, all!
Heather--This one is Glacier Bay. We chose it based solely on the look and functionality of it (wanted the faucet/sprayer combo + soap dispenser). Oh, and the price was decent, too. :)
We purchased a new faucet before we even moved into our house back in October and it is still sitting in the box, in the garage. When I read this post, I turned to my husband and said, "when are you going to put that damn faucet in??" Yours looks real nice. I'm jealous.
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